Foxfinder by Dawn King Directed by Ellen W. Kaplan July 24, 2021 7:30 p.m. Performed as a Radio Play. One-Time Only Broadcast as a Silverthorne Fundraiser. Watch the teaser trailer: https://youtu.be/oMaqcc-wHtU Read the Foxfinder Program! Foxfinder is a play of suspense, a thriller, a story of power, zealotry and self-denial, that puts a sinister shadow on our very near future. It is a study in power, in suppressed sexuality, in a fascist mindset manifested in a young boy sent on a mission to force compliance, deny feelings, and – to eradicate foxes, which we cannot see but which are everywhere. Originally set in rural England, Kaplan has moved the action to the equally appropriate American farm country where at [read more]